- Fall and Holiday in Wilmington
- Please mark your calendars!
- Recap of August Luncheon Meeting
- Luncheon Reservations/Sponsorship
Summer is over! Even though Wilmington weather remains temperate, usually at least through December, visitor arrivals are mostly on weekends. There is plenty of reasons for visitors to enjoy our area from October through the Holidays; there are a host of appealing activities and events that could be used to drive visitor traffic for an overnight stay. If you're an accommodation, check your ability to "broadcast" those events to entice uptake during this slower season. Can you post on your website or through any social media you control? Do you reach out to repeat or potential guests with messaging in any way? Now is a good time to try to "get the word out" about fall and holiday happenings as well as all there is to do in our area! Are front desk personnel equipped to inform potential guests?
There's lots of resources that provide up-to-date information: the CVB's website lists monthly events and the Cape Fear Visitors Guide lists events through the end of the year.
Check out the brewery scene for a listing of breweries and various events held. Old Wilmington Riverfest Celebration is held Oct 7-9, 2022; additional information about this event that began 1979 can be found here
The Holiday Season is celebrated all around Wilmington: Wrightsville Beach kicks off their very popular Flotilla on November 25, the day after Thanksgiving with a tree lighting at the park, followed by visits with Santa and a Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 26 and then the highlight of the weekend, the annual holiday Flotilla followed by fireworks! Airlie Gardens hosts events from the Fall through the Holidays culminating in their annual Enchanted Airlie. Check out the events at Carolina and Kure Beaches as well.
Downtown WIlmington celebrates with a Tree Lighting on November 25 and a Holiday Parade on December 11.
The theater scene is alive and well in Wilmington; now is the time to reserve tickets for fall and holiday shows at the Wilson Center or at Thalian Hall
October 19 Luncheon: SHRM - CP Board Panel Interview, Lumina on Wrightsville Beach, a Holiday Inn Resort (Sponsored by Lumina on Wrightsville Beach, a Holiday Inn Resort)
December 14 Luncheon: The Wilson Center will be the Flagship Sponsor for our Holiday Luncheon!
February 15, 2023 : Wit Tuttell, Director of Tourism, Visit North Carolina, will be our 2023 Kickoff Luncheon Presenter at the Carolina Beach Courtyard Marriott.
Jennifer Ackerson of ALON Marketing brought her national industry presentation to our WAHA luncheon, tailoring it specifically for our destination. In addition to discussing the potential of the group tour market and how working with the travel industry increases destination awareness and visitor uptake, "collaboration" was highlighted as a way to broaden destination appeal. A workshop inviting those who signed up followed and efforts are being made in that direction. We will share at future meetings.
Speakers: SHRM panel with Cheryl Merlote, Kima Nixon, Nicole Patino and Marie MacDonald*
Date: October 19, 2022 Time: 11:30 am
Location: Lumina on Wrightsville Beach, a Holiday Inn Resort
Lumina on Wrightsville Beach, A Holiday Inn Resort
Several members (and non-members) have requested information with regard to sponsorship opportunities at our luncheon meetings.
We are pleased to offer this opportunity to any hospitality businesses or businesses that serve the hospitality industry.
We are also seeking volunteers to head committees, etc.:
WAHA is offering a ONE-TIME half-year membership: for the balance of 2022 for $75!!
Luncheons are $25 for members; $35 for nonmembers.
Renew or join by check and/or print an invoice for payment.
Will Tuttell, Director of Tourism for Visit NC was announced as the winner of the 2022 State Tourism Director of the Year at a recent ESTO (Educational Seminar for Tourism Organizations) meeting. He was also selected to be a member of the Brand USA CEO Summit recently held overseas.
Mr. Tuttell will be the speaker at our February 15 luncheon.
The trends that the CVB are incorporating in their marketing strategy going forward are those that are reflected in the travel industry as a whole. A recent webinar by MIles Partnership and Destination Analysts mirrored the findings of "potential travelers" for our area. They emphasized the "enhanced experiences" desirable to these younger travelers, many of whom are labeled as "adventurers." Luxury Travel is also on the rise; these travelers prefer seamless "inclusive packaging."
An article on the US Travel Association's *site "The "Five Key Takeaways from the Future of Travel Mobility" focuses on key issues that will affect travel going forward, not the least of which is travelers' expectations regarding sustainability and mobility solutions as well as upgrading the travel experience.
*US Travel Association 9/23/22
Wilmington and Beaches recently presented their annual Program of work for 2022-2023. ROT revenue increased 59.53$% in 2021 AND 26.72% for 2021/2022 for a total of $22,634,993. Double-digit increases were enjoyed by all beaches downtown. A study in conjunction with Destination Analysts indicated that 30.7% of travelers surveyed were "high potential visitors " that were younger, employed and with higher annual incomes which will be considered in outreach going forward. To date, the top (4) markets for our area are from within the state of which 53% are day trippers. These statistics point towards enormous opportunity to increase overnight stays, especially by targeting out-of-state markets (as well as western NC). These new targeted markets will include VA, OH, Philly, Atlanta and the DC/Baltimore markets. Sample messaging emphasized "enhanced experiences" very much a trend in travel today. In addition, positioning our destination for "sports events" has further potential as younger and more active travelers seek these experiences.
It is important to note that the dollars brought into our market via tourism saved New Hanover residents a total of $319.28 per household.
Wilmington could be said to have an "embarrassment of riches" with regard to its appeal to the visitor market. Not only are there beautiful beaches, but, within easy proximity to guests staying at those beaches or in mid-town, Downtown Wilmington features history, attractions, tours, restaurants, breweries and an award-winning Riverfront!! While it has year-round appeal, the fall and holiday season offer the best possible experience for visitors: it's a "walking city" with both street side and easily accessible parking garages. The addition of the Live Oak Pavilion at Riverfront Park offering renowned entertainers could be said to be the "icing on the cake" for an area that houses both a historic and a community college theater with local and national performers. Award-winning chefs and a choice of (16) breweries, unique gifts apparel and original local art, in every form, can be found in the many shops, many housed in historic buildings! The historic district in Downtown WIlmington is the largest in the state!